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Saint Nicholas Wins A Grant of 500,000 BGL

We are delighted to inform you that Saint Nicholas has been awarded a grant of 500,000 BGL in 2023, which is approximately equivalent to $300,000, to support the ongoing restoration efforts.

Dimka Dzhonova coordinated the grant application before falling ill and passing away in 2020. Dimka was tireless fundraiser locally with government institutions such as the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Agriculture, and the local municipality. Her efforts bore fruit and we are forever grateful for her.

We make our dreams a reality with faith and hard work.

Progress toward Restoration

The grant is applied toward the restoration activities as planned.

The church's stone fence is being rebuilt in the summer of 2024.

The other current project involves repairing the church's exterior walls and patching holes.

The third project is work inside the church - spackling the walls and restoring the iconostas.


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