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St. Nicholas Restoration Project

St. Nicholas Bulgarian Orthodox Church was falling apart. The ancient walls of the church were cracked from the toll of earthquakes and 50 years of neglect. Most of the icons, chandeliers, sacred vessels, and crosses were stolen and sold on the black market for antiquities; only a small portion of these items were safely stored in the municipality office basement. The church yard was overgrown with weeds and sprouting trees. It had become unsafe to even enter the church, as the ceiling could collapse at any moment. Something needed to be done, yet members of the community sat still, waiting for a miracle to materialize.  ROSSCA decided to step in. 


Phase 1: Walls

In the fall of 2015, ROSSCA raised and sent the equivalent of 17,000 BGL to St. Nicholas Church. The resources were used to fortify the stone walls, each 120 cm thick, with long steel beams that run along the length and the width of the upper part of the church. The work was designed and performed by the firm G-KOMERS, which specializes in this type of project, and was coordinated by the local parish council member, Dimka Dzhonova.


Phase 2: Ceiling

The second phase of the restoration process called for the filling in of cracks in the ceiling. The condition of the ceiling was dire, with portions of the mixed stone, lime, and sand structure peeling and breaking off. In 2016, ROSSCA worked in collaboration with the parish council, represented by Dimka Dzhonova; Mayor of Targovishte, Vanyo Kostin; Father Antim of the Bulgarian Orthodox Metropolis of Vidin; and Bulgarian Council of Ministry to hold multiple fundraising campaigns. Together they raised roughly 12,000 BGL, which was used to hire an engineering firm to solve the issue. The firm, ARES ENGINEERING-M, OOD, repaired the ceiling, filling the cracks and gaps with cement and a special micro-cement substance.


Phase 3: Roof

ROSSCA supported the local parish council and municipality to raise the necessary the funds to conduct the following scheduled projects in 2017-2018:

Replacement of roof – 20,000 BGL.


Phase 4: Interior Restoration

Under the guidance of Dimka Dzhonova, a proposal was developed and submitted to the Ministry of Culture for:

  • Wiring church building for electricity

  • Changing / repairing windows

  • Painting of interior walls

  • Restoration the iconostas

  • Cleaning and installment of remaining icons

  • Commissioning local artists to re-paint the missing icons

  • Commissioning local craftsmen to re-create the missing sacred vessels, chandeliers, benches, and crosses.


Phase 4: Re-application for grant

In 2019, Dimka Dzhonova oversaw the re-application for a grant with the Ministry of Agriculture.


April 27, 2020

A major setback was the passing of Dimka Dzhonova, the main driver of the restoration activities locally in Bulgaria. May her memory be eternal!

Tatyana Dzhonova undertook a major push to clean the church from the debris from the numerous construction projects. 


December 6 2020 - the first liturgy service in 50 years was held again in Saint Nicholas. Tatayana Dzhonova organized the people and Father Rafael and Deacon Krassimir held the service.


Phase 5: Grant Application Approved

Father Rafael met with ROSSCA to discuss the future of the restoration of Saint Nicholas.

  • The grant was approved!


Phase 6: Restoration continues

In 2024, construction resumed - the stone walls of the fence are rebuilt. Preparation for interior work.

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